20) "Ooh, I'm all butch and badass and everything because I'm not sensitive about feefees" -- Narc Swine
19) "Yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah" -- Piggy Pooman
18) "War is kewl" -- Nom Bottom
17) "The most extremely right wing party ever, which is right wing to an infinite and increasing degree, isn't right wing enough, WAA!" -- Ben 'Towda' Shapiro
16) "Ah jus plumb don't cotton to this yoooropeen hawgwash, 'cuz I'z setch a shovenistical hillbilly type, an I hearby invoke Godwin!" -- Thumbs Ass So Well
15) "

14) "Hate crimes are the bees knees" -- Avid Frencher . . . of butts
13) "I deny that racism exists" -- Generic Gay Mind
12) "I'm ignorant because somehow in High School I didn't learn that George Orwell was a socialist" -- Robert Tracesoffecesinski
11) "The police are infallible" -- Carl "I'll bet this means something gross on urban dictionary" Jackson
10) "Greed is good" -- Bugged Dowlow
9) "Martin Bashir gave my MOM the old 'Carl Jackson'" -- Donald (Wait for it) CHUMP!
8) "I like to question the patriotism of freethinking iconoclasts" -- Jewnah Goldbug
7) "I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face, and a big butt, and my butt smells, and I like to kiss my own butt" -- Ass Cut Turds
6) "I hate gay people because I'm a big fag" -- Seven Dill Holes On
5) "I'm a big chicken traitor who's letting the terrorists win" -- Meat Ballsh
4) "Boo hoo, no fair, my fee fees" -- Zed Loose
3) "I'm so privileged and entitled and everything I think I should be allowed to disagree with underpriveleged voices who have been silenced for too long" -- Peegan McGargle
2) "I'm so evil I ridicule my own practical idea for peace in the middle east" -- Wayne Lap Pooer
1) "I am literally made entirely of racism" -- Snark Heaving